
Fiesole is a small town on the hill above Florence. Settled by the Etruscans and later taken over by the Romans. After the Romans took over the area and founded Florence in the valley below, Fiesole became a favorite place to get away from the heat and ciaos of Florence. In the middle ages, Wealthy and powerful families built villas in Fiesole. There is a Medici villa at the edge of town built in the 1450s. This custom continues through modern times, up to today. While there are only a handful of things to see in Fiesole (but don’t skip them), which pale in comparison to Florence nearby, it is worth time as a getaway from Florence, or as in our case, a less touristy and quiet town to rent an apartment to use as a base to see Florence and the surrounding area. Florence is just a 20 minute bus ride (bus 7) away. Don’t forget to validate your ticket on the bus, we saw four people taken off the bus by a transit patrol officer for not having a validated ticket!

Etruscan and Roman archeological site

Just off the town square you will find the entrance to the small archaeological site which contains the remains of a Roman theater, baths and Etruscan temples. There are also several small museums about local notaries.

San Francesco Monastery

If you walk up the steep hill above the town square – it is tough, but well worth it, you will find a small monastery founded in 1399 – The San Francisco Monastery. It is still home to a small fraternity of friars. You can walk into the old (not currently used) rooms of the friars.

If you brave the walk up the hill, you are also rewarded with amazing views from the monastery of Florence in the valley below.

On the other side of the hill you can view the Tuscan countryside.

Bike Racing

Fiesole is popular as a bike racing venue. The course starts in Florence, going up the steep hillside to Fiesole’s town square. Florence/Fiesole hosted the 2013 world cycling championship. One evening during our stay, there was a local race. We were able to watch the competitors finish while eating our dinner at a sidewalk cafe.

Eating in Fiesole

Fiesole is small and quiet with some very good restaurants. Several of which provide spectacular views of Florence while you eat. We saw a sign at one that they had steak florentine that evening , however, it also said “non serviamo la bistecca alla fiorentina ben cotta, non chiedere” – translation “we do not serve steak Florentine well done, don’t ask”.

Yes, there is an Irish Pub in Fiesole

There is a cafe just off the town square near our apartment which serves espresso and hot out of the oven pastries early in the morning. It is about the size of a kitchen and fills with locals who stand and drink their morning Espresso before heading into Florence to work. It was wonderful to be a local, if only for a few minutes, with a cup of espresso and a warm cornetto.